Friday, June 21, 2013

Job Posting…

Shouldn’t the ability to make the world go away be a perk of being seriously ill?

Before I go further I need to mention that when I speak of the world, I’m not thinking of the family and friends whose company brings me great joy. My closest friend’s visit today was anything but an intrusion, in fact her timing was impeccable. Somehow the universe lined up one of my more challenging days alongside her visit.

The outside world has been sticking it to me with hot pokers this week, and today was brutal. I needed help to take away the sting, and luckily both my friend and Suzanna are masters at the task. And both have fortified me for what will undoubtedly be a tough week ahead. Sometimes you see it coming, sometimes you don’t. This next one has me square in its sight.

The entrepreneurial spirit in me thinks that I might be on to something. Someone for hire who can hold the outside world at bay for a few days, that’s a gift that Suzanna and I would truly appreciate right now.

There are times when I think that the pain of dealing with bureaucracy and red tape outweighs the physical pain my body delivers around the clock. It would be lovely to hand over the reins to someone else to deal with the bills, the insurance companies, the pharmacy and the numerous support agencies to allow me to get a break. Not that there aren’t some really terrific people to be encountered along the way, but at times the idea of having a few completely uninterrupted days with my daughter is overwhelmingly desirable.

While I’m on that thought, it would be a tremendous bonus if that person could also step in to provide the body for the nurses to check over. Surely it wouldn’t be so bad if the record shows that my blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen and temperature looked a little more consistent for just a few days.

There is no way to keep the outside world away for any length of time it seems. It reaches in, and I have to reach out. However, I may yet work on that job description. I can’t have been the first to wish for a bit of peace during a time of life in which almost everyone agrees it’s most deserved.

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