Friday, June 7, 2013

A Good Day, But…

Back in April I wrote about a failed attempt at a revised bucket list trip (here) to Toronto instead of my original wish of going to New York City.

Almost two months later, it still hadn’t happened. Both my health and the weather were working against me. And I was suffering from some serious cabin fever.

As the weeks went by it became very clear that I wasn’t well enough to travel to and from Toronto. However, could we perhaps manage a destination that was closer?

With the help of Suzanna and a good friend, I finally escaped these apartment walls for the first time in almost three months (previous trips were no treat, one to the dentist and the other to a Hamilton hospital).

I picked a spot that is special to me, a spot in which I’ve spent many hours photographing and walking. A spot that was perfect for when I had needed quiet contemplation. Seemingly a perfect spot for my great escape.

Poor Suzanna. Let me say that we’re learning the hard way to not take the words “wheelchair accessible” (starting with our apartment unit and building) at face value, and Tuesday was one of those days. What a trouper she was in pushing my chair along deeply rutted gravel paths, despite my urgings to turn back so that she didn’t hurt herself. And thanks to my friend who hauled the spare, and heavy, oxygen tanks. It turns out that we needed all three, I’m sucking up the stuff big time these days.

I was thrilled to be out in the fresh air. The sun was on my face, and when we had a short clearing of smoother path, Suz gave me a fast enough ride to have the wind blow through my hair. Not something I had anticipating feeling again, and it was simply blissful to have those moments with her.

As wonderful as it was to be out, it was a mistake to set it up for myself as fulfillment of the top item on a drastically revised bucket list.

A beautiful spot, but a substitute for New York City it ain’t. There are the rare times that trying to see the glass as half full just doesn’t work that well, and Tuesday was one of them. It didn’t help that it was a spot that I had gotten to know so well as an able-bodied person, and the grand majority of the property was now off limits to me. I think going forward it’s healthier for me if I don’t get such a close look at what’s out of reach.


(This photo wasn’t taken on the trip, it was shot on a morning years ago when I got up – as a dear friend would say – at the crack of stupid to get the early light).

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous place. Is this in the area? So glad you got to see it again and spend time outside.
