Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nose to Nose

After dropping my daughter and her friend off at school this morning, I took off on one of my photo field trips. Often without a destination in mind, I drive until I see a turnoff that looks appealing and keep making turns until I decide that it's time to head towards home again. Thank goodness I have a great sense of direction! A few years back I went on one of my field trips and ended up almost six hours away from home - but these days I stay much closer when I do get out with my camera.

The light was soft and gorgeous, wrapping around whatever subjects I stopped to photograph. After shooting for several hours I started to drive towards home when I passed a farm with numerous horses in the paddock. I've passed this farm dozens of times, but this time the light was right and I had to stop.

Often when I approach horses with my camera they glance towards me indifferently, but this group seemed to be very interested what I was up to. All trotted up to the fence, sniffed at my outstretched a hand and decided I was worthy of giving them a rub on their snouts (do horses have snouts, noses? Not sure of the correct name!)

They may have enjoyed having a bit of a "snout massage" but I think I got more out of it than they did. Interacting with these beautiful creatures relaxed me like nothing else has for awhile. It became a bit of a game as I tried to capture some images, as soon as I'd get focused on one horse, another would run into the field of vision - ruining the shot - but I found myself laughing away and moving to a new spot. Only to have the same thing happen again. They seemed to enjoy my presence - and it made me feel like I was wanted there.

I did manage to get a few decent shots, but what I took with me back to the car was such a fantastic sense of well-being that continues to warm my heart hours later.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Consumed or Oblivious

I had another good day today physically which allowed me to go on a drive searching for photo opportunities. The fall colours are coming in nicely, the roads are quiet during the week which makes pulling over to the side to take photos much easier.
These drives usually provide me with an opportunity to forget about my health issues for a few hours, or rarely - as it was today - take my brain to places I don't like to visit. Not five minutes before finding this gaggle of geese, I came across at least half a dozen turkey vultures attacking what was left of a raccoon on the side of the road. My mind was going to all the wrong places today from the get-go, and seeing the vultures ravage the carcass caused me to think about how my illness lays little mercy upon me these days.
Then the geese. I've passed this farm many times and often hear the geese honking but this was the first time that they'd put themselves in view. I thought about how much I'd like to fly away and leave my illness behind, if even just for a day for a most welcome respite. But it's impossible to escape. Taking meds four times a day sets the tone. Have to eat with this pill, don't eat with that one - don't even think of drinking any alcohol while on the other...
I think what set me off today was forgetting my morning pills, the most important ones not to forget. I was an hour late - I had actually forgotten for several hours after waking today that I was ill and I was simultaneously delighted at having put it out of my mind and at the same time scared. My pharmacist had been so specific about not getting off track with my morning doses. No harm done, it was only an hour off schedule - but what if I'd gone on my long drive today without having remembered? What if I'd had a reaction when I was on one of those lonely country roads?
It's sometimes just all too much, too complicated, and it at times leaves me resentful. But not so resentful that I'd subject you to a photo of the turkey vultures at their feast. The rear ends of geese are better, don't you think?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where I'll be this week....

This laneway is one of my favourite spots to photograph. I've visited it dozens of times since moving to Burlington, in every season, in every type of weather. This image was captured yesterday, a cool autumn day that reddened my cheeks and made me pull my zipper up tight around my neck.

Never does it fail to inspire me, however I must say that fall is my favourite time to photograph here. The leaves have started to turn colour, and some are already dropping. From past years I know that the leaves will be a brilliant orange & yellow within the week.

My prednisone taper continues to give me plenty of rough days, and on these days I don't drive - much less photograph. But for this laneway, I will adjust my med schedule so I don't miss the peak brilliance to come. I know that my doctor approves. He's encouraging me to make the most of my time; telling me to do what I love. And this I love.