Monday, February 11, 2013

Patience and Timing…

The wheelchair rep left a short while ago, we spent about twenty minutes going over all the options available to ensure that the new chair truly fits. Who knew that it could be customized to the degree that it will be? It’s nothing fancy, but at least it will fit me (provided that my outings aren’t consistently to the handicapped–accessible Lindt chocolate factory outlet, in which case I should have considered ordering a wider chair).

I had checked out the manufacturer’s website over the last few weeks, I was delighted to hear confirmation today that I could indeed order the chair in a colour of my choosing (at least for the metal bars, the rest will be black). If I must have a wheelchair, I may as well have it match my decor! And so it will – my selection will go nicely with the living room furniture nearby to where the chair will be stored when not in use.

As for when I’m out in public, there’s just no hiding the fact that I’m in a wheelchair. I can have a bit of fun making sure my outfit doesn’t clash, but will the combination be attractive enough so that people don’t notice that oxygen hose up my nose? Doubtful, but I can hope…

Now the hard part – the manufacturer is running behind with orders and it’ll likely be at least two to three weeks before it arrives. Too much time to think about where I’d like to go! Not that getting out will be a frequent event, but it will most definitely be something to look forward to.

Timing these days is an issue. To get out, it has to be one of my good days. Those don’t arrive with regularity or the frequency I’d prefer, but once in awhile they do happen.

A few things have to come into play to have a better day. First, I’ll have had to stay off my feet for at least twenty four hours prior. Short bathroom trips aside, the key is to stay in bed with no undue pressure on my bones or heart.

Then comes the timing of my medications. At long last I have access to a pain medication that takes the edge off (most days at least), but it needs careful administering. It’s quite hard on the stomach and organs so it can only be taken for a few days at a time. The days in between? I suspect you don’t want to know what those days look like.

As effective as the new pain med usually is, it doesn’t like to stay down to do its work. Bless my doctor for getting me a supply of an anti-emetic (for nausea) that’s normally used in conjunction with chemo, the stuff is magic.  Gravol can’t hold a candle to it. But….it also puts me to sleep. Not totally unwelcome in the last few weeks, my night-time sleep has gone down to about four hours max – those daytime naps from the meds have been heavenly. Drugged state or not, I’ll take them.

Good thing planning and organizing have always have been my forte. Getting out will take much forethought, but I’ll have plenty of time over the next few weeks to figure things out.

And I’m totally not kidding about the Lindt outlet, it’s second on the list after a trip to Longo’s supermarket. How convenient that they’re in the same mall.

As for when the nice weather comes along in a few months time, I’ll have quite a different list of desired destinations ready to go (unfortunately the wheelchair didn’t come with an option for snow tires!)

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