Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wanted - New Keychain...

When the previous tenants of my apartment handed the keys over to me, they were all together on one link. I handed one set over to my daughter, and not having a key chain myself - I kept carrying the new keys over the last few months as they were presented to me.

I misplace my keys a lot, not an easy feat in a small apartment but my friends who are in the same ballpark in age assure me they're often doing the same. I don't yet have any sort of an entryway table to lay keys and the mail down on, so those items usually travel elsewhere into the apartment. I'm just not yet consistent about the destination.

What makes my keys a bit easier to find is the bright purple colour of the keychain.

Last week one of my volunteers took me to the bank, a trip to my safety deposit box was required. At the customer service representative's desk (I don't think we're to call the staff tellers anymore, are we?) I searched through my purse to find my ID. In doing so (I too have one of those bottomless pit purses in which I'm sure I'd be as likely to find a sink stopper as I would old receipts with the way it looks some days in there), I laid my keys on the counter.

"Ready for the weekend there, are you Sandy?" piped in my volunteer. I looked at her quizzically, and she elaborated. "Always ready for a beer?" with a grin on her face.

All this time I've been going around with a purple beer bottle opener on my key chain, thinking it was a tiny ski

So for all of you who might have seen my keys, I can only imagine what judgements you might have made. No, I'm not tossing back Heinekens or Coronas to ease my pain, I've never even had a beer in my life. But this keychain confusion has led to some fantastic belly laughs with friends since this happened. If you can't laugh at yourself, there's always someone not too far away to laugh at you. It's far more enjoyable though to beat them to the punch.

Now I just need to find a keychain that won't scream substance abuse issues. For the record, I thought that the raised part of the keychain represented the boot binding. Clearly, I've not skied in my my life...but then again, not opened a beer bottle either!


  1. omg, this one actually made me burst out loud laughing at work ... a few crazy looks from the patients in the waiting room followed :)
    cheers, my friend ;) lol

  2. Tee hee. Now all you need is some purple ribbon or string to tie in the loop of your key chain and it will be transformed.
    Keep on laughing.
