Thursday, September 6, 2012

Revelations Part II

I still hate moving, nothing's changed since yesterday. 
You really need to listen to me on this point, I beg of you. If I ever give you the slightest impression that I'm considering changing abodes again in the future you can not only hit me with the heavy object I mentioned in yesterday's post, you have permission to take my iPad away from me. Now you know that I really, really mean business.
I've lived out of a suitcase for over three months. How is it feasible that in transferring this small amount of clothing to the new place I've lost one of the three pair of pants that come close to fitting me? They're probably hiding out with the missing towel bar and mixing bowl, I hope that they're all having a fabulous time together somewhere.

Furniture can hide a multitude of sins. I take back what I said yesterday about trusting a new vacuum cleaner. I'm again blaming those gorgeous Corian counters for taking my eye off the ball, they're almost as devious as styrofoam!

Who manufactures a fan with a light so dim that even the moths take a pass? Another lamp is added to the list of things I need to get tomorrow.

I've always been against the idea of a TV in my bedroom, but I think that's the room that's going to win. If you're coming to visit and suggest that we rent a movie to take my mind off things (no cable my friends, I'm going commando!) you've been forewarned. You'll be watching from under the duvet, but I'll lighten up on the no snacking in bed rule ;-)

I think I have a screw loose in booking high dose radiation two days after a move to a new home. Yes, I'm that darned desperate for pain relief. But that badly needed to be in a one story home before I did anything about it.

My biggest revelation today is that although I'm one tough cookie this is seriously deep mud that I'm wading into on my own. Despite trying to keep a sense of humour about me throughout this latest in a long string of challenges, I have to stop sweeping the gravity of what I'm facing under the rug. For at least a little while I'm giving myself permission to be as frightened as others who care about me say I have the right to be.

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