Monday, December 13, 2010

Making my Daughter's Boyfriend Feel at Home

Still waiting on info about starting my Kineret. I'll need to be monitored at the hospital when I take my first injection or two (in case of allergic reaction), but my doctor is leaving on vacation for two weeks on Wednesday (my Kineret arrives that afternoon) - we're hoping to line another doctor who's around over the holiday break but so far no luck. You mean nobody wants to cancel their vacation to babysit me? :-) So it looks like there's a possibility I won't start until the new year.

We can't have many visitors here at home, especially at this time of year when the flu is rampant. I pick up colds and infections too easily (and this will be even more the case when I start Kineret) so anyone coming over has to assure us that they're feeling well - and the first place they head coming in the door is the bathroom to wash up. Just the way it has to be.

Most of my socializing is done over the phone, on Facebook or on email because of these restrictions but there is one visitor who comes by quite often - my daughter's boyfriend (BF). They've been together nine months - he knows the drill and takes the necessary precautions to not expose me to illness. I'm delighted that this doesn't faze him - we love having him around!

He's become quite familar with the odd sense of humour that resides in this household (he's very sweetly told us this is the weirdest family he knows!)

Here's an exchange from a few nights ago.

Me to my daughter and BF : Thanks so much for picking up my prescription at the pharmacy this afternoon after school (she's driving now!). Now that I think about it, I should have had you drive me over there to get it myself. Did the pharmacist explain how to use it? She usually takes me aside for a consultation for new meds.

Daughter: no Mom, why?

Me: Actually, I'm a little surprised that she didn't insist that I come in personally given what it is.

Daughter: Really? What is it?

Me: Um...medical marijuana.

I couldn't have timed it better. BF was taking a long sip from a water bottle for that last bit, of which most ended up being sprayed across the room. My daughter caught on right away, she know that I've never had an illicit drug in my life, and don't drink alcohol either. It would take some pretty heavy convincing from my doctor to have me smoking up, even for medical reasons!

We may at times be totally inappropriate, sometimes morbid and almost always a bit goofy in this home - but humour is what's getting us through this together. I'm relieved that BF fits right in!

1 comment:

  1. I love this story. My daughter and I would fit in perfectly in your house
