Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Question of Health

Somehow I've found myself as a frequent recipient of on-line survey requests. Reputable survey companies send me questionnaires, I fill them in and in turn I often get bonuses as a thank you for my time. Significant discount coupons towards products I already buy, or even cash bonuses once in awhile. Given the amount of time that I spent in bed earlier this year not a bad return for maybe 20 or 30 minutes of my time every week.

The surveys keep coming but I find that I'm completing fewer of them, I just have better things to do with my time now that I'm mobile again! One survey caught my attention a few days ago, the subject was Emergency Health Care. Interesting enough and I was happy to add my two cents hoping that my responses might end up in the hands of government agencies that might be in a situation to improve my country's emergency care (which I've unfortunately experienced first hand to be lacking in many respects).

These surveys usually end with a few questions about my personal demographics. Age, marital status etc., but this last survey also asked about my current state of health.

Very Good

I answered, and was already a bit further along in the survey before it hit me that I had answered "Good". If you've been reading this blog, you'll know that "Good" isn't exactly how one would describe my state of health!

I love it when I have forgotten what I'm dealing with. Blessedly it happens often, but I had to laugh at how I answered that particular survey question. I'm grateful for the mental holidays I'm able to take from my illness, short or long - I'll take 'em.

To those kind friends who email us with messages of support and requests for updates - my hospital visit on Monday confirmed what I suspected, the pericarditis is still going strong. Higher doses of the same meds this week, I seem to be tolerating them fairly well though (except for the steroid "moonface", I'm afraid my vanity is kicking in a bit and I'm not crazy about going out in public these days). But... I finally had a decent night of sleep (thanks to a little white pill that my doctor insisted I take so I'd get more than 3 hours sleep - it was bliss!)


  1. Hey Sessa,

    Sorry to hear the meds haven't done what they're supposed to yet... hopefully the new dosage will do the trick. Am glad to hear you were able to get some sleep the other night. I just believe that being rested enough can only help the healing process. Funny you mention you don't "see" yourself as sick, because I don't either. Have a restful weekend.


  2. Hi Sessa,

    I always look forward to your blog. Although we have not met I so admire your attitude. Getting a good nights sleep is key and I hope the new dosage of medication will help.

    Hugs - Denise
