Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A few photos from a lovely afternoon

Yesterday I had my weekly checkup at the hospital, unfortunately the pericarditis is still there, it hasn't improved and that means more drugs again (eight different ones now - some to treat the inflammation, others to treat the side effects of those first drugs).

This is overwhelming for me; I pride myself on trying natural approaches to medical issues and prefer to tough it out rather than take even so much as a Tylenol. I feel like a walking chemical soup these days!

I'll admit to being a bit down after my appointment, my doctor had been hopeful that almost three weeks of steroids would have knocked my heart back to healthier state. He isn't crazy about giving me all these meds either but after conferring with several cardiologists we don't seem to have another option right now if we're to clear out the pericarditis in preparation for the "heavy hitter drugs" to treat my overall systemic illness.

What better way to cheer myself up than to go for a long walk through the city in which I used to live (my hospital appts are a one hour train/car ride from where I live now) with my camera! It was a spectacular afternoon, perfect strolling weather. Here are a few shots from my afternoon, it was easy to forget all about my illness, meds and pain for a few hours.
Today, I'm in bed. One of my new drugs can cause bone pain, and did I ever get hit hard with it today. Tomorrow will be better, I can feel it...


  1. Your photos are lovely...so glad you had a bit of time to enjoy yourself. I hope the new drugs will do their job quickly and allow you to move off of them just as quickly. You are in my thoughts and prayers. -Kat

  2. Loved the photos! Your passion is apparent. Hope today finds you feeling better than yesterday and that some of the pain has diminished. Really hope the new meds do what they're supposed to, and please know I am sending all good thoughts your way.

