Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Stitches come out tomorrow

Really now, why couldn't I have appreciated my body more when it was young, healthy and looked pretty good in a bikini (except that I'd never have been caught dead in one at the time!)?

Tomorrow I have an appointment to have stitches taken out, having been deftly sewn in by a surgeon 10 days ago when I had another biopsy done. This time on my back, it was a whole lot easier to recover this time around! The last biopsy (February) was on my femur and had me bound to my bed for the better part of twelve weeks to avoid fracturing my leg.

I look at myself in the mirror in the morning as I dress, and most days don't notice the four scars that can be found on my chest(2), leg and back. Not too mention the half dozen or so from various mishaps growing up! I try to see that for 44 yrs, I'm looking pretty good!

Despite that I'd make a decent gameboard for tic-tac-toe by drawing in just a few more lines at my surgery sites, maybe this summer I'll find the courage to wear a bikini after all!


  1. Sessa -

    I love the title and the idea of this blog. If I may put my two cents in--wear the bikini, and wear it proudly!

  2. Great blog, great attitude. You seem like a great role model on how to handle the unexpected and sometimes unwanted surprises life can throw our way. I look forward to reading more.
    (And I second the vote about wearing the bikini!)

  3. I too love the title of your blog and your positive spirit.
