Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Bit of Levity

I'll soon explain in another post why I was there today (and for me, it's significant Erdheim Chester Disease related news!), but I wanted to share the following conversation overhead in my oncologist's waiting room this afternoon. Some of you have already read this on Facebook, I'm happy to see the "likes" to know that you found it amusing as well. I was hoping it wasn't the case that I get out so infrequently in public these days that I find just about anything funny! 

Envision three elderly women, seated with walkers at their side. Very animated as they speak, and apparently unaware that everyone else could hear them.

"What's your favourite ice cream flavour?" They exchange replies.
"How about the best burger place?" again, answering each other.

"Did you know that bar food is better than anything else?" Oh really?
"Have you ever boiled lettuce by accident, thinking you were making cabbage soup?"

 By this time, I look up from my iPad to realize that these women had the rapt attention (yet the pretense of not paying heed) of all the other patients in the room.

 "Have you ever tooted on a bus and pretended that someone else did it?"

And with that, I got called into my appointment so I'll never know if it's just something that elderly ladies in general try to get away with.


  1. It's true,all the old women I have known always try to get away with farting and passing it off as someone else :). It's funny since sometimes I think it may be louder then they thought and everyone knows :).

    I am an old lady in training, and hope to master this technique :).

  2. Good luck on that Sheryl, remind me not to ride the bus with you! :-)

    Old men can be masters at this too. My daughter's grandfather used to look at the bottom of his shoe as to suggest that the rubber sole had squeaked on the floor. His grandchildren thought it was a hoot! An eye roll from his wife was a guarantee however...
