Sunday, October 7, 2012

At Least I'm Improving My Scrabble Vocabulary...

Yesterday I was bantering with one of my long distance Words With Friends opponents on the chat feature, and the question of luck arose. I've been on a bit of a winning streak of late with this particular player, and the point was brought up whether it was talent at the game or if I just have great luck in getting good letters. I has said it either one of those, or else I've come to remember an awful lot of almost completely useless words. Having had many years to accumulate them doesn't hurt either!

I love words, and I love expanding my vocabulary. My daughter too has a great love of language; I suspect I've mentioned before here on the blog what a voracious and enthusiastic reader she is. She and I love to engage in word play, and when we really get going the words fly like lightning. Until it was pointed out to both of us recently just how much of it goes on I hadn't realized how easily she and I fall into playful banter when we're together.

In my last post I shared that the radiation treatment had been unsuccessful. I'm trying to deal with that and it's likely going to take a little bit of time to come to terms with my feelings of disappointment. And feelings of failure, however undeserved and inapplicable in this situation.

The side effects however march on. The burns on my legs? Getting more painful with an interesting twist that appeared yesterday. Spots. Many, many spots. An explosion of what look like large, dark birthmarks on the back of both legs.

I noticed them when I changed out of my jeans, I'd had enough for the day of the irritation of the fabric against my sore skin. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something strange against the redness of my legs and quickly called out to my daughter to come see.

I've sinced learned online that hyperpigmentation from radiation treatment is not uncommon, and quite likely permanent. Not only did the radiation not work, now I have a rather obvious reminder!

My daughter and I tried to come up with a description, and the best could do was that my legs looked like those of a sunburned baby giraffe. This evening curiousity got the better of me, and maybe it will of you too. I can now more accurately describe my spots as likening those of a sunburned dalmation or a sunburned Harlequin Sweetlips (I dare you not to look it up!)

Although the spots aren't similar, I learned of an Australian animal called a spotted quoil. How can I not save up that juicy word for a triple play score when I'm blessed with the right combination of letters? At least C., you'll know that I'd not invented the word when it shows up on our WWF board!

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