Monday, May 23, 2011

Going Gluten Free

My body has always given me challenges, and it seems as time goes on it complicates my life more and more. Allergies to all kinds of things have always been an issue, from the pollen allergies that have me sniffling and wheezing for months each spring and summer, to drug allergies that make treating illness somewhat difficult at times - and food allergies/sensitivities.

The latter are becoming more aggressive as the years go by. Lactose, soy, poultry, eggs are to be avoided (especially poultry, I have to carry an Epi-Pen because even the smallest amount will trigger an anaphylactic episode) and now wheat has been added to the list.

I realized that wheat products were problematic several years ago, but it wasn't until recently that I put two and two together to realize that eating wheat almost always triggered a cardiac episode for me (very irregular heartrate along with increased pericarditis pain, not to mention sheer exhaustion for a day or so). It was only because I'd gotten into the habit of making pasta every Saturday night and wondered how the heck my heart knew what day of the week it was!

After several weeks of an elimination/challenge diet we were certain. Wheat had to go. I wasn't in the habit of eating a lot of pasta or bread, but when I did I sure enjoyed it (foccacia with a bit of season olive oil, heaven!) How was I going to deal with this after eliminating so many other foods from my diet?

It's been MUCH easier than I though it would be. We never ate that many wheat products to begin with. Vegetables, fish and the occasional small portion of red meat to help with our iron levels were our staples (and I should mention my husband is on board 100% to eat the same diet, although I'm totally okay with him bringing items with gluten into the house).

Over the last two months we've introduced gluten free pasta and breads, more beans and a whole lotta brown rice to our diet. I love to cook and this experiment has given me inspiration to try new spices, techniques and other new ingredients along the way.

My heart is quieter these days, my stomach is rebelling less and I just feel better overall. The clincher has been just how many friends and acquaintances have mentioned that I look so much healthier (and in most cases they didn't know about my transition to a gluten-free diet). Looking better? Hey, I'll take that - thank you!

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