Monday, September 28, 2009


Despite my health issues, I consider myself a lucky woman and I do hope that comes across as you read my posts (failing the occasional rant like the one I let loose last week!) :-(

Yesterday afternoon I was feeling good. So good that I was out photographing, taking a long walk at one of my favourite parks. So good, that I was driving my daughter and her "young man" back and forth from the train station so that they could take in a ball game downtown (yeah Jays, thanks for the win - the kids were delighted with the turnaround late in the game!) So good that I tackled an ambitious menu for dinner (mmmm, didn't know that I would enjoy king oyster mushrooms so much, we're into trying some new foods these days!)

The train home from the game was running late by about a half hour, although I didn't find that out until I got to the station to pick up the kids. Having forgotten to bring my iPod (I'm loving my new toy!) , I grabbed a piece of scrap paper and a pen and started to scribble out some of the things for which I'm grateful. Here we go!

Although I've had to cut back considerably, I'm still able to get out with my camera. A client told me the other day that she can tell from my images that my work feeds my soul. I can't think of a greater compliment. She's absolutely right, and I'm blessed to be able to do work that I love so much.

I appreciate when I'm feeling good (or at least better than the day before). Those days are certainly not taken for granted.

Prednisone may have puffed up my face - but all my wrinkles disappeared! :-)

I never have to go to a job interview again.

Not much upsets me these days. Not train delays, not broken dishes, not a chipped tub (I was so proud for not being angry with myself when I took out a large chunk of enamel a few months back - it was my first "standing" shower in almost four months after my surgery and I dropped the shower head. Oh well!)

Thank goodness I was blessed with a very thick head of hair! My drug treatments cause a disturbing amount of hair to fall out when I shampoo, but so far it's not been noticeable to anyone but me. Now, don't be looking for the thin spots!

I get lots of hugs. Family, friends, acquaintances and even the odd stranger who learns of my diagnosis show their support with a squeeze, and I love getting them!

Spending lots of time at home. I'm a homebody through and through, my frequent visits at the hospital make me appreciate our home so much more.

We try to eat healthy meals (my addiction to chocolate notwithstanding). I envision every stalk of broccoli I eat helping to strengthen me. I'm grateful that we can put healthy food in our cupboards and fridge, and that most days I feel well enough to cook for my family. My second home is Longo's (local grocery chain), I love their produce and fish departments, thank you "fish guy" for introducing me to red snapper last week!

My car. It's a '97, but keeps going and going. I figure as long as I don't curse it when it occasionally misbehaves it'll keep chugging along. I hope I didn't jinx it by writing that down!

This list could easily reach into the hundreds of things that I'm grateful for. This is just what came to me as I sat in my car, enjoying the warm sun on my face, listening to a favourite radio station - waiting to see the daughter I adore, taking us both home to the man who means the world to me. Life is good.


  1. A valuable post on gratitude.

    Karim - Mind Power

  2. Hey Sessa,

    I have to admit to being envious after reading the items on your list... especially the one about never having to go on a job interview again! Seriously, reading your post made me think about how easily we all take the blessings in our life for granted.

    P.S. - Where can I get some of that prednisone stuff? My wrinkles want to know!

  3. Each night I thank spirit for some things I am grateful for and I find that it is what I have that counts, not what I don't have at the moment; and I am not necessarily referring to the material. I recently read a great quote "Money can buy everything except happiness" and this is so true.

    You have such a beautiful soul Sessa. Your outlook is awe inspiring and I always look forward to your writings. Glad you had such a wonderful day. Keep writing and taking photographs!
