Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Doing a (modified) Happy Dance!

It was two long weeks of knowing that my donated Enbrel was waiting for me at the hospital, numerous unreturned phone calls to the coordinator (and I missed the one call that did come in last week while I was in the shower) - and finally today I got the call that I'll be starting my clinical trial for Enbrel - tomorrow! (thanks to my husband who lit a fire under someone's behind this morning, he's great at doing that in a most respectful manner).

Thank goodness this is finally happening (I'm very optimistic that this stuff will help!) - I hit a low spot last night that I was unprepared for. My leg pain rose to a level that was close to intolerable - yet I haven't been able to take any stronger pain meds as to keep my body "clean" for the trial.

My poor neighbour came over to our porch last night to check on me (as she often does, I can't imagine a lovelier person to live next to!) and the tears let loose. I'd come on the porch to take my mind off the pain; watching the little kids play in the street always cheers me up. Something about her gentle smile opened the floodgates and she sat for almost an hour with me, encouraging me to vent all this pent-up frustration with the long delays, my pain and my general sense of being pretty useless to my family of late.

With this good news, I'm doing my Happy Dance - modified of course because I'm not supposed to jar, twist, jump on, run with or otherwise compromise my fragile thigh bone - but a Happy Dance all the same!

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