Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Catching Up...And Down Again...

A few posts ago I mentioned that I'd had a bone density test, and I'm not at all pleased about the result. The scan indicated that I'd had significant bone density loss since my last test - thank you again steroids! You're the gift that just keeps on giving.

I dropped a few days ago to 4 mg and it's pretty hard to stay awake. I was supposed to go into Toronto to have a check-up on my pacemaker this morning, but there was no way that I would have been capable of manoevering myself through the train and subway system today - just that dopey. That's been rescheduled a few weeks out when I hope to be far more coherent again. I'm sure I'll be ready for another nap before this post is finished!

I'm getting frustrated with my lack of progression on a number of work and personal projects, I don't understand why I can't just will myself to stay awake, will myself to feel better, will myself to feel less pain. I'm working very hard on my "mind over matter" approach to my illness but there are times I just have to admit that wanting to feel better isn't enough.


  1. Im so sorry to hear about the bone density test.. My bones arent the greatest ethier, keep your head held high and stay strong! Drink lots of milk... it helps the bones I promise. Im on 30mg of prednisone now.. I feel your pain, my body is having withdraw cause it was so used to 40mg. Take care my dear.

  2. I am about to have my first bone density test next week. A little worried cause of my age. Hang in there and stay positive.
