Friday, April 30, 2010


Thank you dear readers for your words of encouragement, and for hanging in there with me. Today I finally received the phonecall that I've been waiting months for - a decision on which treatment I can try next.

The drug of choice is Enbrel, a biologic medication. Related to Kineret, but according to my medical team it's a safer alternative. Not without risks, but my doctors have thoroughly reviewed the pros and cons of several potential meds to find the one that is the best fit for me.

It's likely to be a month or more before I can begin treatment. Appointments with specialists, discussions with our insurance company (this stuff is REALLY expensive!). Maybe even the chance that the pharmaceutical company can give us a break too. If I ask very nicely?

I'm off to start the paperwork!

1 comment:

  1. What fantastic news! I'm excited and hopeful that this treatment will benefit you, dear Sessa. During this month as you wait for treatment to begin, I'll be sending good thoughts your way. Keep us posted, okay?

