Thursday, January 13, 2011

Too Stubborn For My Own Good

In my last post, I was boasting about how I had shoveled the driveway twice over the weekend when we got a good dumping of snow. I tell you, sometimes I really ought to be more careful - I'm often pushing my limits a bit more than I ought to. Despite my husband asking me to take it easy and offering to do these more vigorous chores instead - there I go and try and do it myself.

After having a great week I think I undid my progress; I ended up in bed for a few days trying not to get my heart too agitated - it really let me know that I had overdone it.

Lesson learned. For now. :-)

Next obstacle was my flu shot. Yes, I should have gotten it a couple of months ago but there never seemed to be a clinic date that worked. At an appointment with our new GP a couple of days ago (we had to find a new local doctor, it's a long and boring story) Dr. M suggested that we get our shots, especially given that Kineret plays havoc with the immune system. She had the vaccine on hand and my daughter and I got our shots at long last.

Another setback. I've gotten my flu shot annually since my daughter was born (I'd been a single mom much of that time and wouldn't have been much use to her if I'd been sick) and never had more of a reaction that a bit of soreness in the arm and a slight fever the next day. This time was quite different (and I can't blame the Kineret, my daughter had a similar reaction and wasn't able to go to school yesterday because of it) - this time we both were lightheaded (to the point of having difficulty standing), nauseated, and generally feeling pretty icky. We're both starting to feel better today, and appreciate this is still much better than having the flu for a week or more.

So after a difficult week, I say the same thing that I say to my husband at the end of every challenging day.
Tomorrow will be better.

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